5 trending TikTok topics related to aesthetic medicine
18 april, 2023

5 trending TikTok topics related to aesthetic medicine

Author: Leanne Wong

TikTok is a hub for beauty and skincare enthusiasts to showcase their routines, product recommendations, and procedures. Here are five trending TikTok items related to aesthetic medicine that you should be aware of – and all of these treatments are available at Cosmopolitan Clinic Amsterdam:

1. Lip filler transformations

Lip filler transformations have become increasingly popular on TikTok. The treatment involves injecting hyaluronic acid fillers into the lips to add volume, definition, and shape. TikTok users share their before-and-after transformations, demonstrating the impact of lip fillers on their overall appearance. The treatment is quick, relatively painless, and can last up to 12 months. Cosmopolitan Clinic Amsterdam offers lip filler treatments with a range of fillers, including Maili and Belotero.

2. Skincare routines with medical-grade products

TikTok users share their daily skincare routines with medical-grade products. Medical-grade skincare products contain higher concentrations of active ingredients and are formulated to target specific skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines. TikTok users share their favorite products, step-by-step routines, and the results they’ve seen. This trend is useful for people who want to revamp their skincare routine and achieve healthier, glowing skin. Cosmopolitan Clinic Amsterdam carries a range of medical-grade skincare products from iS Clinical and SBT lab.

3. Botox injections for wrinkles and fine lines 

Botox injections are a popular treatment for wrinkles and fine lines. The procedure involves injecting a purified protein into the targeted muscle to temporarily paralyze it, preventing it from contracting and causing wrinkles. TikTok users share their botulinum toxin journey, from their first consultation to their follow-up appointments and document their results. The treatment is quick, relatively painless, and can last up to six months. Cosmopolitan Clinic Amsterdam offers wrinkle relaxer treatments performed by licensed and experienced injectors.

4. Non-surgical nose jobs with injectable fillers

Non-surgical nose jobs are a popular trend on TikTok. The procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid fillers into specific parts of the nose to reshape and contour it. TikTok users share their before-and-after transformations, demonstrating the impact of the non-surgical nose job on their overall appearance. The treatment is quick, relatively painless, and can last up to 12 months. At Cosmopolitan Clinic Amsterdam, we offer non-surgical nose job treatments using a range of fillers, including Maili and Belotero.

5. Thread lifts for non-surgical facelifts and skin tightening

Thread lifts are a non-surgical facelift and skin tightening treatment that involves inserting dissolvable threads under the skin to lift and tighten sagging skin. The threads stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in a firmer, more youthful appearance. TikTok users share their before-and-after transformations, showing the impact of thread lifts on their overall appearance. The treatment is quick, relatively painless, and can last up to 12 months. Cosmopolitan Clinic Amsterdam offers thread lift treatments using Silhouette Soft threads, which are made of poly-L-lactic acid and stimulate collagen production.

In summary, these five trending treatments related to aesthetic medicine are all available at Cosmopolitan Clinic Amsterdam. Our team of licensed and experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve your desired look through safe, effective, and innovative treatments. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your aesthetic journey!

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